Immunity IV Drips in Houston

Give your body the fuel it needs to stay strong and healthy! Bounce Hydration’s immune boost IV drips can strengthen your immune system by delivering all the vitamins and antioxidants that it needs to fight off infections. Our immunity IV drips not only help fight cold and flu symptoms, they also enhance your natural immune system while increasing your energy levels.

Benefits of our Immunity Boosting IV Drips

Bounce Hydration’s immune boost treatments contain a potent concoction of vital IV fluids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to:

  • Fight germs (common cold, viruses, flu, seasonal allergies, etc.)
  • Improve hydration 
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Lessen the span of illnesses

Bounce Hydration's Immunity IV Drips

Immunity Warrior Drip


Immunity Warrior IV Drip Hydration - Houston

Our Immunity Warrior Drip supports your immune system. It includes a combination of Vitamin C and Zinc to help combat illnesses and improve sinus pressure. Vitamin C and Zinc are powerful nutrients that strengthen your immune system and reduce inflammation. This drip is perfect to fight viruses, bacteria, and seasonal allergies.


Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | Zinc

Boost your drip with a Lipo-B shot for extra energy.

Myers' Drip


Myer's IV Drip Hydration

This is the O.G. vitamin drip developed by Baltimore physician, Dr. John Myers, M.D. Originally formulated to address chronic diseases such as migraines, fatigue and fibromyalgia. Today, the Myers Drip is used to enhance wellness and ease everything from low energy to headaches and aids in speeding up recovery. There's a reason the first vitamin IV Drip ever developed is still in use today!


Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | B-Complex and more

Boost your drip and your immune system with Zinc or rev up with Carnitine for added energy.

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